MLK, Jr. Day of Service
To honor Dr. King's legacy of service to community, the CCHRC sponsored our annual food drive at Crosby’s Market on Monday, January 20th to benefit The Open Table food pantry.
All donations asked for were from Open Table’s “most wanted list” of non-perishable food and personal care and household cleaning items. Open Table food pantry offers groceries and prepared meals at their main facility in Maynard.
People were so generous when asked to contribute with many donating both food, supplies and money to the Open Table.
We collected and donated over 700 pounds!
The CCHRC would like to thank all of the volunteers who helped with the drive.
And a special thanks to Crosby’s Market for their continued support of the Open Table.

Human Rights Tea
On Sunday, November 24th we held our annual Human Rights Tea in The Goodwin Forum of the Concord Main Library.
Concord public historian Richard Smith told the story of Thoreau's civil disobedience and the Reform movements of the 19th Century that made Concord a hotbed for human rights activism.
Thank you to Richard and everyone who was able to come.
We had a great turnout and a great discussion...
and delicious tea and scones!​​
Click on the button below to see Minuteman Media Network's recording of the tea.

Photos: Concord Historian, Richard Smith and CCHRC Co-Chair, Rich Yamartino
Race Amity Day
On Saturday, June 8th, the CCHRC was a co-sponsor of Race Amity Day celebrations - held this year at the Alcott School.
Race Amity, the friendships and collaboration between people of different races and cultures, has been observed annually in Concord since 2016 when Governor Baker proclaimed the second Sunday in June as “Race Amity Day” and “urged all citizens and towns of the commonwealth to take cognizance of this event and participate fittingly in its observance.”
The Concord Select Board has also supported the event each year by reading their own proclamation for Race Amity.
Photos: The Concord Bookshop window and the Alcott School celebrations.

Holocaust Remembrance 2024
Our Annual Holocaust Remembrance, co-sponsored by the
Town of Concord, was held on Sunday, May 5th at 7:00 PM at the Concord Town House.
This year we were honored to welcome Werner Salinger as our speaker. Born in Berlin, Salinger and his family witnessed “Kristallnacht,” and survived the Holocaust after they fled Germany in 1939. His family eventually settled in Princeton, New Jersey. Salinger has had a long and varied career, working as an Intelligence Officer in the United States Air Force during the Cold War from 1951-1960 interrogating returning German POWs, and later as the Executive Director of the Concord-based Greeley Foundation for Peace and Justice. He has lectured around the world on topics as varied as globalization and deep sea sailing.
Kerem Shalom Cantor Rosalie Gerut, a child of Holocaust survivors, ended the evening of remembrance speaking about her work with “One by One” an organization dedicated to transforming the legacies of conflict, war and genocide through dialogue. Rosalie shared a song inspired by this work.
The Remembrance was livestreamed to the Minuteman Media Network YouTube Channel and TV Channel 8, which is Concord's
public programming channel. To access a tape of the livestream you can use the following link:

MLK, Jr. Celebration and
Day of Service
We held our annual MLK, Jr. Day of Service to collect food and personal care items for Open Table at Crosby's Marketplace in Concord.
As always, Crosby's customers were very generous with their donations and we ended up collecting 650 pounds of food and personal care items for Open Table.
Thank You To:
~Everyone who donated at Crosby’s Marketplace.
~Open Table for all the work they do to end hunger in our community.
~Crosby’s Marketplace for their continuing support of community organizations.

Liz Morrison, Rob Morrison and Ronni Olitsky of the CCHRC.
Human Rights Tea and
Climate For Freedom Award

Dignity in Asylum receives Concord-Carlisle Human Rights Council's Climate For Freedom Award
The Concord-Carlisle Human Rights Council held our annual Human Rights Tea on Sunday, December 10th in the Goodwin Forum of the main library to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
We also presented our Climate for Freedom Award to Dignity in Asylum (DIAS) for their work helping people seeking asylum. Apart from a room for each supported asylum seeker, DIAS also provides daily meals, transportation to lawyers’ and doctors’ appointments, language classes and overall direct, caring and comforting support.
We can all make an impact in the greater world by focusing our efforts on what we can do in our communities and the CCHRC is privileged to present DIAS with this award, and to highlight the vitally important work that they do every day.

Shari Barzun of the Concord-Carlisle Human Rights Council, Andrea Woehler of Dignity in Asylum and Richard Yamartino of the Concord-Carlisle Human Rights Council.

Devastation in Afghanistan and War in Israel.
How we can help.

Afghan residents clear debris of damaged houses after an earthquake in Nayeb Rafi village, Zendeh Jan district, Herat, on Oct. 10. Mohsen Karimi, AFP/Getty Images
A salvo of rockets is fired by Palestinian militants from Gaza toward Israel on October 10, 2023. Mahmud Hams, AFP/Getty Images
At least 2,400 people were killed and 9,000 more were injured when a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Western Afghanistan on October 7th.
Also on October 7th, Hamas attacked Israel from Gaza. The Israeli Defense Forces retaliated with airstrikes and rocket attacks and on the following day, Israel formally declared a state of war.
According to a report from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the death toll has already climbed to almost 1,600; thousands have been injured and more than 123,000 people have been displaced in Gaza.
If you are looking for ways to help earthquake victims in Afghanistan as well as Israeli and Palestinian victims of the war, below is a list of organizations published in both USA Today and Time Magazine that are trying to help.
"How you can help"
International Committee of the Red Cross
The International Committee of the Red Cross is providing health care, re-establishing health care infrastructure, and working on improving sanitation and energy supply together with the Afghan Red Crescent and other on the ground humanitarian partner organizations. To learn more, you can visit their website here.
UNICEF is the United Nations agency responsible for providing humanitarian relief to children around the globe. They are currently distributing emergency water and hygiene kits in the country to address the urgent needs of children impacted by the earthquake. To donate, you can click here.
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Islamic Relief Worldwide launched an urgent appeal to provide lifesaving humanitarian aid to victims of the earthquake in Afghanistan. The organization has been working in Afghanistan for more than 23 years, and is coordinating closely with the United Nations and other on the ground organizations to figure out how to best help survivors. You can read more about Islamic Relief and their work in Afghanistan here.
International Rescue Committee
The International Rescue Committee has deployed a team of emergency personnel to provide medical care and other essential services to those impacted by the earthquake. The organization has had a presence in Afghanistan since 1988 and works with thousands of villages across the country’s twelve provinces. To learn more, you can visit their website here.
Doctors Without Borders
Doctors Without Borders is currently providing support at Herat regional hospital and manages the hospital’s pediatric section. They have also sent additional supplies to other parts of the country. To donate, click here.
CARE International
CARE is one of the leading humanitarian organizations operating in Afghanistan right now and focuses on alleviating poverty and providing medical care. You can donate here.
Alliance for Middle East Peace
The Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP) is a coalition of over 170 non-governmental organizations that includes tens of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis who share the goal of building state peace between the two communities.
On Saturday, the coalition said it is working to support members assisting in emergency responses. "We call for the immediate protection of civilian life, for urgent steps to be taken to de-escalate this situation, and for all actors to prevent this situation spiraling toward even further tragedy," ALLMEP said in a statement.
American Friends of the Parents Circle - Families Forum
The American Friends of the Parents Circle - Families Forum (AF-PCFF) is a grassroots organization that works to share narratives from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the U.S. public to foster a peace and reconciliation process. The organization supports the Parents Circle-Families Forum which is an Israeli-Palestinian organization of over 600 families who have all lost an immediate family member to the ongoing conflict.
In response to the attacks, the AF-PCFF reaffirmed its commitment to building and fostering peace for the future.
"Let us remember that violence begets violence, and the only way forward is through peaceful dialogue, diplomacy, and a commitment to finding common ground," the AF-PCFF said in a statement Sunday. "It is a call to action for leaders, communities, and individuals alike to seek solutions that prioritize reconciliation, justice, and lasting peace."
The Carter Center
Founded by former President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn Carter in partnership with Emory University, The Carter Center is a humanitarian aid organization that has been promoting peace and advocating for a viable two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for decades.
After Israel declared war, The Carter Center released a statement condemning the targeting of Israeli and Palestinian civilians and called for international action to end the violence.
International Committee of the Red Cross
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is a humanitarian organization that aims to protect victims of conflicts and provide them with assistance. The ICRC has been present in Israel and the occupied territories since 1967. The organization is asking for donations to improve access to essential services like water and to support livelihood projects.
“All parties must respect their obligations under international humanitarian law. This is non-negotiable. Civilians and civilian objects must be respected and protected," Fabrizio Carboni, ICRC regional director for the Near and Middle East, said in a statement Saturday.
Doctors Without Borders
Doctors Without Borders is a non-governmental organization that describes itself as an "independent, impartial and neutral" charity that provides humanitarian aid to people affected by conflict, disease outbreaks, and natural and human-made disasters.
With thousands wounded by airstrikes, the organization reported overcrowding and supply shortages, including medical supplies, drugs, and power for generators, in Gaza. Medical staff are also facing dangerous conditions and are struggling to find safe ways to transport patients to hospitals, as ambulances have been hit by airstrikes.
"The situation is horrific, with massive Israeli and Palestinian casualties," Matthias Kannes, head of mission in Gaza, said in a statement. "Our Palestinian colleagues are working day and night to cope with the influx of wounded."
Doctors Without Borders is assisting with medical needs in the region by donating medical supplies to hospitals and health facilities while local staff are providing surgical and inpatient care.
Save the Children
Save the Children issued an emergency alert in response to the conflict, noting the "escalating violence" has put 1.2 million children in need of humanitarian aid. The international organization is demanding de-escalation and has called for peace talks.
The organization is providing assistance to children affected by the attacks, where many face dangerous conditions, and displacement and may suffer from "serious mental health impacts."
Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF)
National and international organizations that provide assistance to victims in the conflict include the Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF), which works to provide crucial and life-saving medical relief and humanitarian aid to conflict victims in Gaza. Before the conflict and now, access to essential resources like food, clean water, and healthcare has been severely limited.
"In light of the recent violence that has left hundreds dead and thousands injured and homeless in Gaza, we are mobilizing our resources in unwavering determination," the organization said on its website.

Emergency Shelter for Families Experiencing Homelessness
​Families have arrived for medium and long-term stays at the Emergency Shelter at the former Best Western on Elm Street in Concord. If you are looking for ways to help, please click on the button below to go to The Concord-Carlisle Community Chest website where there is updated information on how you can help.
Who Are We?
We are an organization of volunteers working together to foster respect, understanding, good will, and conciliation among individuals and groups in the community. It is dedicated to the belief that all people are entitled to dignity and respect.
Get Involved
Attend our events, volunteer to help out, sign up for our newsletter and donate to our efforts!