Meet The Council
The Concord-Carlisle Human Rights Council is a community organization of volunteers working together to foster respect, understanding, good-will and conciliation among individuals and groups in the community. It is dedicated to the belief that all people are entitled to dignity and respect. The role of the Human Rights Council is one of education and advocacy.
Court Booth
Court Booth, Co-Chair
Richard Yamartino, Co-Chair
Sharon Brown, Treasurer
Louisa Paushter, Newsletter Editor
Richard Yamartino
Members at Large
Charisse Alouidor
Lorell Ambrose
Polly Atwood, Emeritus
Marybeth Barker
Shari Barzun
Hedi Charde
Maura Clarke
Maryellen Freeman
Nancy James
Keith Jones
Dorrie Karlin
Libby Kurten
Elizabeth Morrison
Rob Morrison
Elise Mott
Marie Myers
Sarah Napier
Ronni Olitsky
Ji Orloff
Arthur Walker