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CCHRC Meeting Minutes: 5 March 2008


CCHRC Meeting Minutes

March 5, 2008, 7:00 pm Concord Public Library

In Attendance: Polly Attwood, Molly Carocci, Bridget Saltonstall, Steve Zippin, Lorell Gifford, Liz Clayton Sugarman, Kristin Allison

Minutes for the February meeting were approved with minor adjustments to the spelling of two names.

Treasurer: Steve reported account balances as of 02/29/08 – Human Rights Council $1739.14 Drinking Gourd Project (formerly BHT) $625.00 Sister City $6292.88 Total $8667.02

Holocaust Memorial Event: Organized by Bridget and Steve will be held at the Town House on May 4, 7:30 pm. Hymie Hipsman will be the featured speaker. Mr. Hipsman was 14 years old and living in Poland when the war began. After serving as a laborer under the rule of the German military, Mr. Hipsman fled into hiding and worked for the resistance. With information from Steve’s phone interview and from his CD, Bridget will compose a biographical and promotional article for the newspapers and our newsletter.

The proclamation of the week of remembrance and the town’s memorial observance will be read at the April 14 Board of Selectman meeting. Peggy Briggs is scheduled to speak at the memorial on behalf of the selectmen. Bridget will extend an invitation to a Clergyman and Rosalie Gerut has agreed to, once again, participate in song. Steve will hand deliver notifications to the Concord Journal. Wendy will notify the Carlisle newspaper and Bridget will send community leader letters.

Newsletter: Liz will need to receive all contributions to the Newsletter by next week – March 10. Molly will compose the letter from the Chairs and the recommended Books and Films notice. Bridget will provide the Holocaust Observance article.

Polly will submit a update on the Drinking Gourd Project.

Lorell has formatted and revised the Climate for Freedom Award nominating form.

Kristin will write a review of the MLK Celebration.

Climate for Freedom Award: Committee members – Molly Carocci, Lorell Gifford and Diana Hughes met at Kristin’s house on Feb. 27. All files were transferred, timeline and distribution of responsibilities discussed. Lorell will update nomination form for the newsletter and to place in the Concord and Carlisle libraries. Molly will organize the files and the list of prospective recipients. Diana will continue to gather current contacts and materials from a list of organizations in town that she has been developing. Molly was given the names of former chairs to contact for the final selection committee.

The Drinking Gourd Project: Work is ongoing with an emphasis on streamlining the project into realistic and manageable components. Fundraising and ideas for an inaugural event are ongoing.

CCHRC is co-sponsoring the Concord-Carlisle Adult & Community Education educational series “Talking About Race in the United States: Past , Present, and Future”. This Village University series will be at the Harvey Wheeler Community Center on 6 Thursdays, 10:00 am – Noon, March 27 – May 8.

Nominations: Polly encouraged members to be encouraging new member participation.

Lorell Gifford needs to be included in the board email list.

Annual Meeting will be held on May 7, 2008.

Next meeting is April 2, 2008, 7:00 pm, Concord Public Library, Community Room.

Kristin Allison CCHRC Recording Secretary

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The Concord-Carlisle Human Rights Council is a community organization of volunteers working together to foster respect, understanding, good will, and conciliation among individuals and groups in the community. It is dedicated to the belief that all people are entitled to dignity and respect. The role of the Human Rights Council is one of education and advocacy.

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