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CCHRC Meeting Minutes: 6 February 2008


CCHRC Meeting Minutes

February 6, 2008 7:00 PM Concord Public Library

In Attendance: Polly Attwod, Bridge Saltonstall, Steve Zippin, Lorell Gifford, Molly Carocci, Kristin Allison, Diana Hughes and Court Booth

Approval of January Meeting Minutes

Treasurer: Steve Zippin reported a total account balance of $8,617.02 as of 01/31/08. Human Rights Council – $1,689.14 Black Heritage Trail – $625.00 Sister City – $6,292.88 Kristin Allison has an outstanding expense from the MLK event (bus from Boston for the Children’s Choir) of $300.00 and will submit the receipt to Steve.

The January 17, 2008 MLK Celebration was reviewed. The event was considered a good success with a high quality program and terrific turnout. The Concord Willard School Chorus, the younger choirs of the Boston Children’s Chorus and the High School Step Team all performed. Polly Attwood skillfully pulled the evening together with introductions and thoughtful commentary. Kristin thanked the members of the HRC board who attended the event and jumped right in with helping hands. Again, the Concord Journal coverage was disappointing and we will continue to press for accurate and timely coverage for future events.

Polly reported that the 2007 CCHRC Annual report was submitted.

The Holocaust Memorial Observance is scheduled for May 4, 2008 at the Town House commencing at 7:30 PM. This year’s speakers are a couple, survivors from Russia, who were referred to Polly by a local resident. Steve Zippin has reviewed their tape and will confirm their participation. Bridget will attend the April 14th Board of Selectmen meeting for the annual proclaimation. Rosalie Gurut has been contacted for her annual musical contribution. After discussion of Clergy participation it was determined that the minister of the New Church will be invited to deliver the reflection. Court Booth will be responsible for the coverage by CCYTV.

The Climate for Freedom Award will be bestowed this December 2008 at the annual Human Rights Day Breakfast. An award committee was formed consisting of HRC members Molly Carocci, Diana Hughes and Lorell Gifford with Polly Attwood as a supporting member if needed. A planning meeting is scheduled for February 27th at Kristin Allison’s house. Kathy Medeiros will be contacted to order the plaque.

The Black Heritage and Abolitionist Trail has an official title – The Drinking Gourd Project. Work is ongoing which includes the selection of a logo, fundraising activitiy and finalizing the specific trail “clusters”. Generous contributions from the First Parish Social Action Committee and the Concord Cultural Council have been received with appreciation. New resources included A Great Meadows History by Carol Gupta and a copy of Mary Wright’s letter to Lincoln signed by Concord students appealing for freedom and education of child slaves.

The deadline for submissions to the April HRC Newsletter is tentatively scheduled for March 10. Highlighted will be the Holocaust Memorial Observance and information regarding the Climate for Freedom award.

A nominating committee for next year’s officers will be formed next month. In the meantime all current members were asked to thoughtfully pursue new CCHRC members.

Next meeting is scheduled for March 5, 2008, 7:00 at the Concord Public Library.

Kristin Allison CCHRC Recording Secretary

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The Concord-Carlisle Human Rights Council is a community organization of volunteers working together to foster respect, understanding, good will, and conciliation among individuals and groups in the community. It is dedicated to the belief that all people are entitled to dignity and respect. The role of the Human Rights Council is one of education and advocacy.

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