Thursday, 20 October 2011 7:00 Hunt Gym
MINUTES 1. Welcome Present – Ronni, Sarah, Polly, Rob, Diana, Kristin, Sibylle, Danielle 2. Approval of previous minutes No minutes available. We should ask Marie to send them in 1 week before the meeting.
3. Treasurer’s report update on tax-filing status Mary e-mailed her reports: See her e-mail 11/20 for attachment links). Financial write-up 10/20/2011; Oct 2011 Financial Activity Report; Sept 2011 Bank Rec.; Citiizen’s check Ledger 7/1/11 Two checks are outstanding. Polly will contact Rosalie about one of them.
4. CCHRC breakfast Speaker-PollyPolly has invited Dr Charles Willie to help with this, getting to the basis for the rationale of the HRC. Date – Monday, 5 December -7:30am Set-up: Sunday 4th December 8.30pm and Monday 7am, clearing up at 9am. Location- Trinitarian Congregational church has been booked by Kristen. Publicity- Liz has newsletter deadline for materials October 30th Community leader letter – Polly will write and mail this. Danielle will write Concord Journal article and interview Polly. She will also see to the calendar entry. Diana and Mary Clarke will contact some member organizations, inviting half-a-dozen if them to display materials on a table. Court will be making a video. He and (Diana’s) Alan Budreau will take photos. Kristen will ask Lorell to update the web site. 5. Updates
a) MLK date/place/singers. Willard School is booked for Wednesday January 18th Polly will reach the Tabernacle Singers. Liz(?) is calling the Boston Children’s Chorus. Rob will invite Fenn School students. Polly is investigating the CCHS Step Dancers- they have no mentoring adult at the moment. b) Abby Fund update: The Fund plans to complete $10K, they have $8K so far. Their event is on Saturday November 12th, from 11.30 – 12.30 at Alcott Gym. Their poster was circulated – Rob suggests Danielle put information about the Abbey Fund on the back. c) METCO Family Friends update: Alcott had a “Welcome back” picnic. They went apple-picking. There are 14 new kindergarten students. There is a stipend for the liason person (Polly) for the 3 elementary schools and the middle school. 6. Financial situation – Fund raising: December Holiday Shopping night – HRC table? Probably not, it’s not a child-friendly environment. We need to generate an annual fund-raising letter. The newsletter is our first option, inviting people to contribute. Polly will give the 2010-1011 mailing expenses to Ronni & Sarah for our budget process.
7. Cultural Proficiency Panel in spring? discussion: This used to be called “sensitivity training.” The Police and Chamber of Commerce members need it in the first year, expanding to the community later. CCHRC needs to be proactive in going for it! The police Dept has funding. CC HRC might use this for a first “appeal” to C-C Community Chest We can get a brief video. Sarah & Ronni have a meeting with the police in December. Teachers currently all take the EMI – (Empowering Multicultural Initiatives) course.
8. Any other business: Women’s trail (Diana to get info to Polly) Fenn School could be alternative venue for events/meetings – Rob’s suggestion.
9. Adjournment – 8:30 [Minutes taken and transcribed by Diana – 11/7/11.] .