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CCHRC Minutes: 11/19/2009


Concord-Carlisle Human Rights Council November 19, 2009 Hunt Gym, 7:00 p.m.

Meeting Minutes

Present: Polly Attwood, Chair; Liz Clayton, Danielle Laura; Diana Hughes, Marie MyersRonni Olitsky; Bridget Saltonstall, Steve Zippin

Polly brought us up to date on the Drinking Gourd Project (DGP). The committee is still waiting to hear from the CPC and Citizens Bank. The article for the Town Warrant is being finalized. So far the DGP has produced a map and distributed them to various places in town, a Mary Rice exhibit has gone into schools, and tours are available. The book Concord: Its Black History by Eliot and Jones has yet to be republished. The price of the Caesar Robbins house has been lowered to $314K. Steve Zippin offered to serve pro bono as our real estate agent.

The Council will sell Brooks Cake and donated Deans Beans coffee to benefit the Drinking Gourd Project. We have 30 cakes being made at Minuteman Tech. Danielle is getting the coffee. A cake and 1lb coffee will sell for $20. Bridget will pick up packaging and deliver to Liz. Lorell will provide labels. The cake and coffee will be sold at a CCHRC table on December 3, the Christmas Shopping Night in Concord, the Tree lighting night on Dec 6,and again at the Breakfast. Volunteers are needed to staff the table.

The Human Rights Breakfast is next Monday, December 7, at First Parish Church. Ronni will find out who is welcoming us – Gary Smith or Jenny Rankin. Polly reminded us who is to bring what to the breakfast: Kristen –paper goods; milk/sugar – Polly; flowers/vases – Bridget; Lorell – program; Danielle – coffee; everyone – fruits/food. Publicity: Polly has mailed the Community Leader letter. Everyone is to help distribute flyers. Reporter Patrick Ball said he would do an article in the Journal.

Polly attended a Clergy-Laity Committee meeting to update the members on the mission and efforts of the Council.

The MLK event will be held Thursday, January 14. The Boston Children’s Choir and Willard chorus want to participate, and we hope to have an adult gospel choir. The Step Club may participate, if they are ready. We need to find a location, remembering that parking and snow can be problematic in winter. We may need three buses to transport the Boston groups. The publicity for this event will go out right after the holidays.

Polly reminded us that the Climate for Freedom Award will be given next December, so volunteers are needed for that committee. The work of this committee must start in the early spring.

The Town Annual Report has requested a CCHRC report by January 4.

One by One sent the Council a letter of thanks for our donation, which we assume was given to them by Rosalie Gerut, our HMO speaker last year.

Liz Clayton further reported that the Drinking Gourd Project has amended its application to the Community Preservation Committee, now asking for funding to acquire the property. Efforts to become a 501 3 C are underway with help from Nancy Grohall from the Thoreau Birthplace project Foundation 1772 may have money to help with Preservation efforts, but their money cannot be used for acquisition, and the Sudbury Foundation can’t donate until the DGP is a 501 3C. The Project is looking for all funds to buy – not mortgage. This is a very problematic property so there appears to be very little competition to buy it. The DGP may propose to buy it under the asking price.

Danielle reported for the Abbey Fund. The METCO parent meeting in the Good Will Building in Roxbury had a great turnout. Aaron Joncas attended. There are high hopes for more parent involvement going forward. Efforts have been made to reach out to the Somali community to bring them to the Abbey Fund event on March 26. The Fund hopes to raise money at the upcoming high school reunion by selling fair trade chocolate on December 3 and 6.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Bridget Saltonstall

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The Concord-Carlisle Human Rights Council is a community organization of volunteers working together to foster respect, understanding, good will, and conciliation among individuals and groups in the community. It is dedicated to the belief that all people are entitled to dignity and respect. The role of the Human Rights Council is one of education and advocacy.

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