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Fall 2019 | Letter from the Chairs

Updated: Jan 4, 2021

In the midst of human rights issues that are brought to our attention daily in the press, it humbles us to keep our focus on the pulse of human rights issues in Concord and Carlisle. When an issue arises in our communities, which thankfully is rare, we are often asked for support and kept informed by the police or other party doing the investigation. Much of our work on these issues remains under the radar, to protect the privacy of all involved. But know the CCHRC does do this work when it is needed.

Looking forward to our upcoming events, we are pleased to present the 2019 Climate for Freedom Award to The Robbins House. Please join us to honor The Robbins House and its important work on December 8. In January, we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King Jr and in May, we observe Holocaust Remembrance Day. Your donations continue to make these events possible.

In this edition of the newsletter, we introduce a new section: Media Corner. It features reviews and recommendations from the CCHRC members and our readers on current books, articles, podcasts, movies, and more. We invite you to send us your ideas and feedback. in June, after serving for six years. We are grateful that he will continue to be part of the Council, bringing his enthusiasm, expertise, and experience.

Lastly, our thoughts are with the family and friends of Steve Cadwell, a Concord resident, artist, poet, film maker and performance artist who passed away this summer. He showed his wonderful autobiographical film Wild and Precious at our Human Rights Tea last December. We are grateful for his legacy.

Shari Barzun and Louisa Paushter Concord-Carlisle Human Rights Council Co-Chairs

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