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Meeting Minutes: 3 October 2007

Concord Carlisle Human Rights Council Meeting Minutes: October 3, 2007

Present: Polly Attwood, Kristin Allison, Steve Zippin, Lorell Gifford, Liz Clayton

Last months meeting minutes were approved.

For the Treasurer, Kristin reported a total of $6,180.62 with the CCHRC portion being $1.537.74 and the remainder is the Sister City funds. All files were transferred to Steve Zippin, current Teasurer.

Polly reported on the HRC 30th Anniversary event held at the Alcott School in September. The film “Secret Courage – The Walter Suskin Story” was shown with producers Tim and Karen Morse available for follow-up questions and comments. Though the turn out was very disappointing the quality of the evening was excellent. As the Morse’s noted, it is far better to have a small and engaged audience than to have a large but unenthusiastic one. In retrospect, it was concluded that the date was difficult due to hectic September schedules and that the Concord Journal had neglected to accurately and thoroughly advertise the event.

The HRC website will include a link to the film website.

The Human Rights Day Annual Breakfast is planned for the first Monday in December at 7:30 AM. The Trinity Congregational Church will be the most likely venue, with Molly Carocci confirming the availability. Suggested speakers are James Carroll and Niki Tsongas. Polly and Court Booth will persue those and other possibilities. An introductory presentation of the new Black Heritage and Abolitionist Trail was also suggested.

Lorell Gifford displayed our spectacular new website –! After meeting with members of the Council, Lorell created an attractive and accessible website which includes current events, articles, links to member groups, contact information, history, etc.. Great appreciation was extended to Lorell for an efficient process and a high quality result. As our new Webmaster, Lorell will keep the site informative and current.

The annual MLK Celebration will be held on Thursday, January 17, 2208 at Sanborn School. Kristin has contacted the three High School Choral Directors in Concord. Other suggestions include highlighting the Black Heritage Trail and the CC Step Club.

The November Newsletter deadline is October 15 – 22. Included will be an article from the chairs, the HR Day Breakfast, a book list, an update from PFlag, the Prison Outreach’s Holiday Gift Project, the Black Heritage and Abolitionist Trail initiative and our new website.

Polly reported on the ongoing and very active Black Heritage and Abolitionist Trail committee. The School Committee officially waved their copy rights to the original publication. Chris Whalen has consulted on process and procedures. A presentation was made to the Alcott Advisory Council and was met with great enthusiasm particularly regarding teacher and student participation. Sue Ryan is pursuing grant proposals. A meeting will be held in October to further map out the routes. Proposals and descriptions have been sent to the Selectman, the Planning Board, the Historic Society and the School Committee.

Donations to this initiative are being sent to the CCHRC and earmarked accordingly.

Next Meeting – November 7, 7:00, Main Library


Kristin Allison, CCHRC Secretary

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