compiled by Molly Carocci
A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust
An overview of the people and events of the Holocaust through photographs, documents, art, music, movies, and literature. The site’s main features are a timeline with resource links, from the rise of the Nazi party to the aftermath of WW2; in-depth information on the people involved: victims, perpetrators, resisters, children; and a section on the effects of the Holocaust on the arts.
Children’s Books
Tell No One Who You Are:
The Hidden Childhood of Regine Miller
by Walter Buchignani, Paperback, Grades 7-12
Regine Miller was 10 years old in 1942 when she watched in horror with her mother and father as the Nazis took away her brother with hundreds of other Jewish boys. … This biography is not only a view of Nazi persecution from a young girl’s perspective, but also a sensitive portrayal of her growth, development, and emotional life under the worst of circumstances. from Booklist
The Cat With The Yellow Star: Coming of Age in Terezin by Susan Goldman Rubin & Ela Weissberger Holiday House, Paperback, Grades 4-7
With sepia-tone family photographs and children’s full-color artwork on every page, this poignant biography of a Holocaust survivor tells what happened without concealment or exploitation. In 1942, at age 11, Ela Weissberger was transported with her Czech family to the Nazi concentration camp Terezin. She survived, and now, based on extensive personal interviews, Rubin tells Weissberger’s story of being a Jewish child in that camp, including how the young prisoners rehearsed and performed the opera Brundibar. — from Booklist
Holocaust by Angela Gluck Wood with Dan Stone DK Children, Hardcover/DVD, Ages 11-up
DK’s signature editorial aesthetic, combined with the searing testimony of Holocaust survivors collected by the USC Shoah Foundation Institute of Visual History and Education, makes for a sobering and visually compelling work of history. – from Publisher’s Weekly